Sunday, August 18, 2013

Endure to the End?

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we often hear and use the expression "endure to the end".  This idea is expressed multiple times in the scriptures and it describes the need for those who take upon themselves sacred covenants to continue in faith living up to the requirements of those covenants, to "the end", or throughout life.  I think this is a huge part of living the gospel and is so very important to remember every day in our lives!  After all, like Nephi asks in 2 Nephi 31:19, "after ye have gotten into this strait and narrow path, I would ask if all is done?"  If anything, taking on sacred covenants, no matter how long the road or how much preparation it took to get there, is really just the start of the path to happiness!

Lately I've been thinking that sometimes the use of the word "endure" might conjure slightly negative connotations in a lot of peoples' minds.  This might be because we all have many trials to face or even just small daily struggles and annoyances that we have to deal with throughout our lives.  These are to be "endured" and endured well, which is not always pleasant, no doubt.  But overall, living the gospel?  If I could, I'd like to re-coin "endure to the end" to read, "Live it through the end!"  I think this captures not only the way we should approach our covenants and for how long, but also how much enjoyment we should be having while doing so!

There are many important, lengthy and sometimes difficult responsibilities we all have in life.  For me, these include being a father, serving in church callings, and (one day) being married again.  I'm trying hard, though to avoid viewing these as things that require enduring.  I want to relish in them and do like President Hinckley said!